
Heidi WaterhouseBiographies

Heidi is a respected speaker, author, and advocate who has spent years building a strong network of peers, sources, and colleagues.


Heidi is an experienced professional communicator deeply invested in getting information to people who need it in the easiest way for everyone involved. Sometimes that involves public speaking, blog posts, and technical writing, but at one point she had a lively cutlery-based description of full-disk encryption. She has realized that the best way to scale her philosophy of simple and empathic communication is to teach others, so she is working on a book on technical writing for developers and other reluctant technologists.

Developer Advocate

The best part of any job is getting to learn things. As a developer advocate, Heidi bridges the experiences of external and internal developers and spends time listening, thinking, and learning deeply about the business and technical challenges that face each group. Her reach as an effective speaker pairs well with her 1-1 time with users and product owners.


With over 100 conferences and four continents of experience, Heidi is an excellent resource for technical talks on a variety of topics. She’s also flexible and adaptable enough that she always has a spare talk if you have a crisis on short notice. Her talks are thoughtful, witty, and broadly applicable. She’s spoken at language-specific conferences (RubyConf, PyDX), industry conferences (Write the Docs, SpringOne Platform, DevOps Days) and generalist technology conferences (OpenSource Bridge, Abstractions).


Heidi is a widely experienced technical writer with an interest in writing herself out of work. She specializes in creating entire documentation suites for new companies and products in less time than you would believe possible. She speaks on topics like search-led writing, starting new documentation products, and whistleblowing as a technical writer.


Heidi sews all the clothes she wears to give talks (except that Lisa Frank incident). Her passion for crafting expresses itself in her slightly-neglected Tumblr, http://agilecrafting.tumblr.com, where she uses her crafting projects to discuss agile methodology in an accessible way. Currently, her Trello list of projects that should be documented is only slightly shorter than her list of projects she wants to start Really Soon Now.

A white woman with pink hair gestures while talking in front of a very pink background