I’m an engaging and dynamic speaker, and I’m always interested in discussing speaking opportunities and new audiences.
Contact me at h.waterhouse@gmail.com or through my LinkedIn profile.
Heidi Waterhouse speaking at The Lead Developer
Photo credit: © Katura Jensen 2016
Upcoming appearances
SpringOne by VMWare
Recorded talks
- Everything Is A Little Bit Broken (DevOps D-Day 2018)
- Every Scar a Story (DevOpsDays Hartford 2018)
- Tinkertoys, Microservices, and Feature Management (DevOpsDays Boston 2018)
- Disaster Resilience the Waffle House Way (DevOpsDays Portland 2018)
- The Death of Data (NDC Minnesota, 2018)
- The Sticker Talk (Write the Docs Portland, 2018)
- Choose Your Own Deployment (DevNet Create 2018)
- Disaster Resilience the Waffle House Way (DevOpsDays Baltimore 2018)
- The Kids Are Going to Be 200 OK (DrupalCon 2018)
- Choose Your Own Deployment (DevOpsDays Toronto 2018)
- The Death of Data (The Lead Developer Austin 2018)
- Choose Your Own Deployment Adventure (DevOpsDays NYC 2018)
- The Devil’s Devops (DevOpsDays NYC 2018)
- Search-First Writing for Developers (PyCon Canada 2018)
- Choose Your Own Deployment Adventure (PyCaribbean 2018)
- The Spirit in the System (IndexConf 2018)
- Feature Flag Foul-Ups (Pivotal 2018)
- Self-Documenting Coders [workshop](LinuxConf Australia 2018)
- Search-First Writing for Developers (NorthBay Python 2017)
- Y2K and Other Disappointing Disasters (RubyConf 2017)
- Verbose Mode (Systems We Love MSP, 2017)
- Fear of the Bus (DevOpsDays MSP 2017)
- The Death of Data (Signal 2017)
- I Have ADD and So Can — Oooh, Shiny (WomenTechMakers Montreal 2017)
- Fear of the Bus (DevOpsDays Tel Aviv, 2016)
- The Seven Righteous Fights (LISA 16)
- Search-First Writing for Developers (Nodevember, 2016)
- Beyond Garbage Collection (PyDX, 2016)
- Fear of the Bus (DevOpsDays Chicago, 2016)
- Search-First Writing for Developers (Pycon AU, 2016)
- The Death of Data (Surge 2016)
- The Seven Righteous Fights (SpringOne Platform, 2016) (long version)
- The Seven Righteous Fights (The Lead Developer, 2016)
- The Seven Righteous Fights (Rubyconf, 2015)
- Digital Sandwich Generation: Women’s Roles In Identity Management For Others (Alterconf Chicago, 2015)
- Cassandra at the Keyboard: Whistleblowing at All Scales (Open Source Bridge, 2015)
- Success Is More Than Not-Failing (Write the Docs, 2015)
- The New Sheriff in Town: Bringing Documentation Out of Chaos (Write the Docs, 2014)
- Search-First Documentation: Tags and Keywords for Frustrated Users (Write the Docs, 2013)
- Search-First Writing for Non-Writers (Open Source Bridge, 2013)
Interviews, Panels, and Podcasts
- SiliconANGLE theCUBE, with John Furrier and Lauren Cooney: Feature Flags
- Screaming in the Cloud with Corey Quinn
- Greater Than Code: Cleaning House
- Sentry Scouts DevOps panel
- Interview with Mike Henderson, O’Reilly Velocity NYC 2017
- Parent-Driven Development
- Recompiler Interview, Episode 8
- Write the Docs, with Erik Holscher