Tag: add
What I learned about my brain from playing 300+ hours of Stardew Valley
Yes, I got the Switch at the start of November. Yes, that is a lot, so many hours. Many of them were on planes and in waiting rooms, but many more were not. Yes, I do have a lot of internalized shame/misogyny/self-criticism about playing vidya games that much, and I’m working really hard on not…
BuJo Pig
It’s a joke about bourgeoisie performative productivity and how it intersects with bullet journaling… Nevermind. Bullet journaling is: a) a productivity system that uses a journal to capture to-do lists, stray thoughts, and planning, with various levels of elaboration b) an art form ostensibly about planning journals, but also worth time and devotion in itself,…
Help, I need somebody!
I may have mentioned that I have an executive function disorder. That is the category AD(H)D falls into. What that means for me is that it is often a lot of work for me to make decisions and organize tasks. All of the traits that make me an excellent systems thinker, like holistic views, consideration…