Category: Interviewing
Technically Lazy
Conflating code-y and technical means that a lot of technical people who could do the job really well are filtered out based on a lazy habit of thought.
Dignity, Always Dignity
One of the interesting parts of being a semi-public figure by doing DevRel is that it makes you think a lot about how you look to other people, in a way I suspect is not a concern for the ordinary developer. It parallels the doubled perception that a lot of women already experience. In 1972,…
Crosspost: The Recompiler Magazine, Issue 8: Build Your Interviewing Strategy
I’m a huge fan of The Recompiler, and not just because they sometimes publish my work. I support anyone who spends the time and effort to publish articles that are useful, thoughtful, and frequently action-oriented. Carol Smith (of OSI board fame) and I put together a workshop for people who are doing technical interviews for…
Is this the gate you want to keep?
Today on Twitter, I said: I really want everyone to stop conflating coding skill with technical skill. Tech is so much bigger than code. Or it could be. — Heidi, Sticker Thoughtleader (@wiredferret) August 16, 2017 That’s a lot of response for me. Like “Livetweeting @kelseyhightower” levels of reaction. So let’s stop and talk…
Post on How to nail a tech writer job inteview
I was excited to write another post for How to nail a tech writer job interview It’s an extension of a twitter rant I went on a bit ago, about how important it is to know certain things about interviewing as a technical writer, but no one is teaching them, from what I can…