Category: Best practices
Linters and style guides and standards and tests
Consistency matters. Consistency matters for branding, because of copyright and recognition reasons, because you’re investing lots of money into that exact arrangement of letters. Consistency matters for code, because computers are terrible at approximation and “close enough”. Consistency matters for documentation, because human language is really hard and weird. Consistency matters, but it’s wicked hard to…
Technically Lazy
Conflating code-y and technical means that a lot of technical people who could do the job really well are filtered out based on a lazy habit of thought.
Guardrails and Plimsoll Lines
In an era where we have to assume that our data is being collected, and the data we collect, I think we need to get more nuanced about our guardrails. We need to think about what the worst possible outcome is, and then what the worst likely outcome is. We need to consider the dangers in different…
It’s December Eve, are you ready?
You are probably familiar with the retail rhythms of the seasons. You can think of it as what kind of candy you can buy, when chocolate moves smoothly from ghosts to pumpkins to tree decorations to hearts. If you work in any kind of e-commerce, from November to mid-January is a code-freeze all-hands-on-deck experience. Software…
Refactoring, a reflection on unpacking
I wanted toast this morning. To get it, I unpacked 3 boxes and grouped a bunch of other things together, and it took me about 30 minutes. #refactoring We just moved house, after 9 years in one place. And we moved from a late-70s rambler to an Arts & Crafts foursquare. So right now, all…
In which I am cranky about the urban/rural divide
I just came back from a weeks-long trip to the American West. It was amazing, gorgeous. You know what all this beauty has in common? Besides mostly being protected wild areas? Zero bars of cell phone signal. Or maybe like, two bars, depending on whether there was a mesa in the way. We drove almost…
Sharpen the axe with personas
I haven’t been writing much about writing lately, because I have a big! new! exciting! project coming up. I’ll tell you more about that later. However, this weekend I ended up in a twitter conversation about how I get myself unstuck when a piece of writing isn’t working, and I thought I’d share. Abraham Lincoln…