Syrup and waffle in gorgeous light.

The Seven Righteous Fights: Security

This is the second fight in my series The Seven Righteous Fights. For an introduction, see The Seven Righteous Fights: Overview.

Contrary to what you may have heard, the internet is not actually a series of tubes connected by guys in ski masks. There are bad actors out there, but your product probably won’t attract them right away.

But there will come a time where you have to send out a really embarrassing email to your clients because your waffle-buddies app has been breached and everyone’s syrup preferences have been posted to a pastebin somewhere.

Syrup and waffle in gorgeous light.

It’s expensive in terms of reputation and in terms of productivity, because everything has to stop while you solve the problem.

Security is probably the place where it would be easiest to over-optimize your product without a lot of benefit, because it takes a lot of experience to do security correctly, and that experience does not come cheaply. It would be ridiculous to do a full security audit on an app that doesn’t handle money or personal identification before it is even out of beta.

That said, I think you can think MORE securely than the next person.

How can I be more secure?

  1.  Understand IN YOUR HEART the differences between authorization, authentication, and security. Being confused about it makes you more likely to build something with a serious flaw.
  2. Leave yourself room to perform encryption. It’s probably never a bad idea to start from HTTPS (on ALL the pages). It’s not going to hurt you to use SSL, even between your own services.
  3. Understand what kind of data needs to be protected, and what people can figure out from “innocuous metadata”. Every piece of data you collect increases the threat surface for you and your user.HIPAA and other protective agreements shelter obvious things like your social security number, but also less obvious things, like your birth year if you’re over 90. That’s because it is shockingly easy to figure out who someone is with enough bits of “meaningless” data.

Keep less stuff

Plan to delete users and delete data. Even if you flip a bit that disables logins, if you’re keeping the data, you’re the problem.

We grow and change. Eventually we end up dragging a lifetime of data, like Marley’s chains in A Christmas Carol. They are the chains we forged in life, and they never go away.

I want data jubilee.

Don’t reinvent the wheel

Use someone else’s auth* engine. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, and you probably shouldn’t. This is especially true if you are in a social space or an enterprise space. The IT people installing your system would really rather you just used Active Directory or SAML or OpenID (but really AD) instead of lovingly hand-crafting your own.

Stop saying that word!

(the word is “secure”)

Imagine that a pack of rabid lawyers are waiting to gnaw on you anytime you claim something false. False things can include “we secure your data”.


You don’t have to build something entirely secure now – that’s prohibitively expensive. But do leave yourself the hooks and plans to add security before you have a major incident.

This blog post is part 2 of my Seven Fights series. You can hear me give this talk at The Lead Developer in London next week (June 22-24) or at SpringOne Platform (August 1-4) or Abstractions (August 18-20).