Category: Video
Write the Docs: No Pitch Hot
I love impromptu speaking when I get to do it, and Write the Docs had open signups for lightning talks. I wanted to explain the thing I keep teaching founders and all the awesome people I keep coaching: No one cares. No one cares about the thing you want to tell them about as much…
Deserted Island Devops: We Live in a Society
Platform engineering is great — but would it work on a desert island?
The Lead Developer (London): 12/10 Good Doggo: The Power of Positive Transformation
How can dog training techniques help you understand yourself and your team?
DevOpsDays Copenhagen: Every Scar a Story
This was my first trip to Copenhagen, and it’s so cool to see how similar the DevOps community is all over the world. Everywhere I go, we have similar problems, and shared support and caring.
DevOne: Tinkertoys, Microservices, and Feature Management
This was my first trip to Austria, and let me tell you, Linz came to impress. Not only was there an amazing level of production value, the attendees were curious, interesting, and happy to talk to me about all the things a person can do with feature flags. I want to extend a big thank-you…
Tinkertoys, Microservices, and Feature Management (ScaleConf 2019)
I got the video from my trip to ScaleConf in Capetown, South Africa. This talk is an interesting trick, because I don’t talk about testing anywhere in the title or summary, but it’s really all about how testing is a vital part of microservice architecture, and how testing needs to change to work with feature…