Category: Tools
American Tech English, is, I think, a kind of constructed English, similar to Simplified English. It’s not quite as rigorously enforced as Simplified English, but I am one of its enforcers. I will strip nuance out of sentences, and prioritize simple grammatical structure over fluidity, pacing, or rhythm. If a sentence could possibly be two…
Pardon our dust: revamping a website
I am both intensely curious and a little lazy, and I am passionate about effective communication. It’s not such a bad thing to know about myself.
Progressive Delivery and AI*
The year is 2024. A group of writers who thought they had a complete book proposal looks at the landscape of technology, curses, and starts outlining a chapter on AI. We all write about AI now, except for the bits where AI writes about us. Progressive Delivery is “Delivering the right product to the right…
The costs and benefits of incremental improvement
At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, I got budget to build out a home studio to give talks in. It was about three thousand dollars, with a nice digital camera, a mic, pre-amp, and lights, and some bits and bobs. I even painted a wall in my basement. I’ve given a lot of talks…
Lady Conference Speaker: Home Studio Edition
This is the post about setting up a home studio that I wish I had been able to read before setting up my home studio.
Sharpen the axe with personas
I haven’t been writing much about writing lately, because I have a big! new! exciting! project coming up. I’ll tell you more about that later. However, this weekend I ended up in a twitter conversation about how I get myself unstuck when a piece of writing isn’t working, and I thought I’d share. Abraham Lincoln…
BuJo Pig
It’s a joke about bourgeoisie performative productivity and how it intersects with bullet journaling… Nevermind. Bullet journaling is: a) a productivity system that uses a journal to capture to-do lists, stray thoughts, and planning, with various levels of elaboration b) an art form ostensibly about planning journals, but also worth time and devotion in itself,…
Resource: How to Create Illustrations for Presentations
David Neal (ReverentGeek) has a great style of slides for technical talks – they’re hand-drawn. He’s put together a video about his process to share with the rest of us!