I write about software development, tools, and people.
And how marketing makes it all better.
Content warning: I’m going to talk about voluntary and involuntary food restrictions or limits. Conference food is hard to do Pity the conference organizer! I mean that seriously. They need to get the entirety of the conference fed in a…
What did you think was going to happen?
My mom taught 6th and 7th grade (often a gifted/STEM) class for the better part of two decades. If you think back, you may remember this as not your peak decision-making time of life. You can spot my mom’s former…
BuJo Pig
It’s a joke about bourgeoisie performative productivity and how it intersects with bullet journaling… Nevermind. Bullet journaling is: a) a productivity system that uses a journal to capture to-do lists, stray thoughts, and planning, with various levels of elaboration b)…
Lady Conference Speaker Headshot
You’re a technologist. You got accepted to this conference because of the excellence of your proposal, and now they want a…. picture? ARGH! The last time you had a professional photo may have been senior pictures. I’m sorry. I understand…
Book Review: Strategic Writing for UX by Torrey Podmajersky
Disclosure: I got a review copy of this book. Further disclosure: Torrey is part of the pink-haired tech people. We are legion. This book is a snappy and sharply-focused exploration of the words that make the magic happen in user…
The Lead Developer (London): 12/10 Good Doggo: The Power of Positive Transformation
How can dog training techniques help you understand yourself and your team?
In Disney’s Fantasia, Mickey, the sorcerer’s apprentice, enchants brooms to magically do his tedious chore. The problem is, Mickey is only an apprentice and although he can get things started, he is not wise enough to give the brooms an…
I’d like to introduce you to…
One of the skills that I’ve been learning in this new Developer Advocate position is the letter of introduction, which is a close relative of the sales version (the warm handoff) and the recruiting version (letter of reference), but isn’t…
Conferences, Inclusion, and Money
Last night, I was reading a tweet stream from Nicole Archambault about having to pay to speak at conferences. https://twitter.com/wiredferret/status/1129932920368574464 I self-funded a lot of conferences when I started speaking. I was more-or-less ok with it because I was using…