I write about software development, tools, and people.
And how marketing makes it all better.
This was my first trip to Copenhagen, and it’s so cool to see how similar the DevOps community is all over the world. Everywhere I go, we have similar problems, and shared support and caring.
DevOne: Tinkertoys, Microservices, and Feature Management
This was my first trip to Austria, and let me tell you, Linz came to impress. Not only was there an amazing level of production value, the attendees were curious, interesting, and happy to talk to me about all the…
Resource: How to Create Illustrations for Presentations
David Neal (ReverentGeek) has a great style of slides for technical talks – they’re hand-drawn. He’s put together a video about his process to share with the rest of us!
1-inch stickers, big inclusion
Hey, friends! I, the person you know who cares quite a lot about stickers, am here to say that now is the correct time for you to be thinking about June, which is Pride Month in the US. If you design…
Tinkertoys, Microservices, and Feature Management (ScaleConf 2019)
I got the video from my trip to ScaleConf in Capetown, South Africa. This talk is an interesting trick, because I don’t talk about testing anywhere in the title or summary, but it’s really all about how testing is a…
Stateful Acres Home for the Chronically Unique
A No-Kill Shelter, Petting Zoo, and U-Fish Trout Pond Disclaimer: I am not a real sysadmin, but I do talk to many of them, and this humorous presentation is meant to highlight the problems of Going To The Cloud as…
A Parable of the Polar Vortex
The best time to shovel your driveway is immediately after it snows, but failing that, any time before you have driven on it. Driving on fresh-fallen snow compacts it into something between “ice” and “pure evil”, depending on the temperature,…
The Year That Was 2018
A wrap-up of my year’s travel, including links to conference talks, and photos of places I’ve been.
Choose Your Own Deployment
I love the aha moment people get when they grasp a concept. It’s a lot of what gives me energy about this job. Being there to help people see how an abstract concept can make their concrete life better is amazingly…