I write about software development, tools, and people.
And how marketing makes it all better.
We talk a lot about vicious cycles, and how it’s easy to end up in bad places because the incentives are all bad, but let me tell you a story. It’s a pleasant Saturday, my family is watching Star Trek:…
Think Globally, Sponsor Locally
Possibly the most exciting thing about my new job as Developer Advocate (there are so many!) is that I don’t have to scramble and ask conferences to fund me anymore. That means that speaker funds can go to the next…
Fear of the Bus (DevOpsDays MSP 2017)
Verbose Mode (Systems We Love MSP, 2017)
Y2K and Other Disappointing Disasters (RubyConf 2017)
Search-First Writing for Developers (NorthBay Python 2017)
Writing exercise
As a developer advocate for LaunchDarkly, I need to understand the product in a bunch of different ways – at a technical level to give summaries of how to make integrations work, at a business level to explain how feature…
Is this the gate you want to keep?
Today on Twitter, I said: I really want everyone to stop conflating coding skill with technical skill. Tech is so much bigger than code. Or it could be. — Heidi, Sticker Thoughtleader (@wiredferret) August 16, 2017 That’s a lot…
Retrograde tooling
We’ve reached a tipping point in technical writing, and we need to deal with it. The future is not going to involve producing documents, it’s going to be producing seamlessly integrated content in and around products, and that means we…
The Death of Data (Signal 2017)