I write about software development, tools, and people.
And how marketing makes it all better.
The Ambassador from Ruritania
Being a developer advocate is a bit like being an ambassador in another country. Your ceremonial roles sometimes hide your real negotiations and strategic power.
American Tech English, is, I think, a kind of constructed English, similar to Simplified English. It’s not quite as rigorously enforced as Simplified English, but I am one of its enforcers. I will strip nuance out of sentences, and prioritize…
Lady Conference Speaker: Presenter roulette
You deserve to feel like wherever you’re speaking supports you and your talk. Hopefully they tell you up front what they expect, or send you videos, or give you practice time. But if they don’t, I promise it’s reasonable to…
Linters and style guides and standards and tests
Consistency matters. Consistency matters for branding, because of copyright and recognition reasons, because you’re investing lots of money into that exact arrangement of letters. Consistency matters for code, because computers are terrible at approximation and “close enough”. Consistency matters for documentation,…
Garbage: Solving the last meter problem
The important part is not how far behind someone is, but how well a solution works given their constraints. Can we make an improvement that is worth the disruption?
Lady Conference Speaker: Story Arcs
The trick to telling a story is to tell people what reward they are going to get for following the story up front, so they are incentivized to follow along.
Technically Lazy
Conflating code-y and technical means that a lot of technical people who could do the job really well are filtered out based on a lazy habit of thought.
Try not to insult your audience
I keep thinking about that catastrophically bad Apple commercial for the new iPad.I can see what they were trying to do, to say that all these tools could exist inside their new, skinnier iPad. But the way it read to…
Context is King
Amanda Ciarci wrote an article called Content vs Context: If Content Is King, Context Is Queen in Marketing. It talks about how the right content doesn’t work as well if it’s not paired with the right context. We can all think…