I write about software development, tools, and people.
And how marketing makes it all better.
Guardrails and Plimsoll Lines
In an era where we have to assume that our data is being collected, and the data we collect, I think we need to get more nuanced about our guardrails. We need to think about what the worst possible outcome…
Identify the problem, then offer the solution
You’ve got trouble, right here in River City It starts with P and that rhymes with T and that stands for trouble. The good people of River City were not dying to spend a lot of money on trombones and…
How long has this been going on?
It’s easy to feel like AI* was the domain of science fiction and IBM moonshots until ChatGPT burst onto the public consciousness like Kool-Aid Man. It’s easy, but it’s not correct. What even is AI? LLMs have been around a…
Brand and the Trust Thermocline
How do you feel about getting on a Boeing airplane right now, March of 2024? Maybe not as secure as you did last year, or before the 777 stories started appearing? 10 years ago, we never gave it a thought.…
Pardon our dust: revamping a website
I am both intensely curious and a little lazy, and I am passionate about effective communication. It’s not such a bad thing to know about myself.
Progressive Delivery and AI*
The year is 2024. A group of writers who thought they had a complete book proposal looks at the landscape of technology, curses, and starts outlining a chapter on AI. We all write about AI now, except for the bits…
My spicy Product Marketing opinion
Product-led growth is important, but it can’t be the whole product marketing plan. Some differentiating features don’t work or can’t be shown in a freemium model. And in an economy that prizes efficiency over expansion, counting on developers to have…
Book review: Kill It With Fire, by Marianne Belotti
I read this book slowly, not because it is long, or difficult, but because it is incredibly thought-provoking. Belotti has spent time doing the grinding work of upgrading the brownest of fields, and has managed to retain a sense of…